In the water of summer
the trees hurt
longing to be touched
calling out for us to put down
our laptops and cell phones
to stop flinging our bodies
full speed at computer chips
and strangers hips
The mountain  is calling and I must go
warrior woman with war ship bodies
pirate souled and hyena hearted
I dare you to love each others
gypsy soul
air your dirty laundry beautifully
send the skeletons in your closet on a spa day
forgive your enemies greatest sin before its ever even spoken
hold a peace summit to share the first time you were ever called a whore or a slut
spare a moment of your time to
hug the homeless and look them in the eye
as you pass them your spare change
hold hands with yourself
in between relationships
pine is for endurance
in your absence I bring my body
to the trees and bathe my spirit
in peace can you imagine
a sacred prostitute
hugging knotted trunks
and kissing fire scorched bark
rubbing fingers against
the perfect tear drop
of amber sap
asking to be filled again
download me with the innate knowledge
of my own inner wisdom
bind my wounds
as I  struggle to stitch
up paper cuts
from my paper city
before I’m bled dry
the salve in my own salvation
has always been made
Yes I am thirsting and hurting
but my body must make the journey with me as well
as I travel to the inner silence with no fear
of what I find amongst Self

Prompt “A Horse Standing In The Rain”…

A horse standing in the rain
like the sun shone
to prepare the desert landscape
and the burdens we carry
and our parched panting heart
for this one saturated moment
we are all thirsty animals
with our backs to the elements
awaiting that downpour
I do not want to stand with my head
down in the rain for one more day
I am the mare led kicking and biting
to the stallion
my sweat lathered flanks
self induced
I am the clay vessel your hands
once made
that held a thousand
separate liquids before is was broken
to a thousand pieces
I am the same scraped flesh and blood
as the buffalo hide stretched and dried
to birth my sacred drum.
the self induced
brings honor
and self awareness
to my body
The first time I played her
was across my naked pubic bone
to bring joy and honor to my womb
The body is a sacred temple
My body is a sacred drum
Your body is a sacred vessel
but do we pass our lovers
body under our hands
with the same dignity
as a sacred pipe
Hold deer bone and hip bone
with the same cradled grace
hold their bodies
with the same rising joy
as a drum
when the day breaks
when you find nothing left to give
stop the self sacrifices
bring back the sacred
to your body
revel in the rituals
of your body
share your sensuality
with the sacred
fire and shamanic drumming
ignites self healing
with awakened
sensual and creative
bring back your energy
and shattered soul fragments
to your body
learn to direct your own river
drum dance touch always involve
the heart let the body sweat
honor and touch all parts with
mouth hand and breast
welcome back yourself
when the mind stampedes
when fear flees
remain rooted in the
body live
and feel
as an offering
and communion
stop starving yourself
even the dark parts should be fed
love it
allow it to play
and create the space
to self heal
the fire protects
burns licks
consumes with love
and no remorse
scatter the ashes
self reflect participate
in your own healing
most importantly create
art matters art heals
what have you done
to honor your own
creation today
love is self cultivated
this poem is a birthing of
sensual ceremony of

An Unconventional Lover For Aquarius

I am an Aquarius

Monika Carless Author *Intuitive Coach

I am blessed to have so many Aquarians in my life.

My Scorpio nature is drawn to the original, unpredictable sign.

Aquarius moves in mysterious ways. Whatever their path, Aquarius will always be shifting independently of rational reason, following its erratic planet Uranus to places that would make very little sense to any other sign in the zodiac.

Observing my daughter, who has been the biggest Aquarian influence on my life—as well as friends who have left their mark on my consciousness—I have come to realize that to love this sign one must be unconventional oneself.

Aquarius—so friendly, so engaging, so magnetic—seeks love while it seeks friendship. It simply will not work for long if their lover is not also someone they like. I’ve watched this time and again. Aquarius will always crave the comfort factor of a bosom buddy within a fulfilling love affair.

Aquarius looks for four important qualities…

View original post 8 more words

Today I honor my inner child
in the midst of doing
laundry melting under a
midafternoon desert sun
I stop to put on a rose printed
straw cowboy hat I bought
on a whim and mismatch
two of my favorite bikinis
into one.
Today I am choosing to play.
I am healthy happy
whole and holy.
I am enough and today
is enough.
I am satisfied
that today
I am able to make that

Dear Self-

Don’t forget to breathe. Don’t give up.
You can conquer anything.
You can create anything.
Art matters. Art heals.
You have the ability to heal yourself
when you live work create
in your truth
Every second counts
Every struggle
Every loss
Every trial
healing the heart
begins with the first break
wholeness must first endure
being broken again and again and again
a tumbled state of grace
and humility leaves
you scarred
but no longer
of your own heart
your own guilt
your own life
your own sins
your own tastes
your own talents
it’s time to
be proud
to wear pain
like a badge
and administer your
own cure
The writing rises from the ashes within
a captive of the harem
fighting with fire
in the heart of the kingdom
reveals previously unknown
Why am I doing this?
The hardest thing is going
The prodigal daughter
returning to
the root
of the wound
one trembling
unsure step at a time
taming what terrorizes
every day
is hardest
on the trek
tricking you into
taking the most indirect
but tuning to the
strange inner silence
and teaching yourself
the truth of the tangled heart language
begins the transformation
of Self
enjoy your journey
because all roads
lead home
You don’t have to do the hardest
thing today
The hardest thing is already underway
You were always
on your way home
forging new trails
the illusion of being
lost blazed in the
bonfire of my raging soul
leading me
I am found in the freedom
of learning myself on the way